Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 - Full Speed Ahead!

Hello, everyone.  As you've discerned from my tweets, I've been fully immersed in finishing my sequel to my first novel, Castilian Heat, now called Castilian Heat 2 - A New Beginning.  I won't give the storyline away, of course, but suffice to say, Sheila, my heroine, continues to mush on courageously in the face of grief, and has a new baby to boot. I'm excited because a lot of the book takes place in Barcelona this time, which is where I spent some time last year doing research.

I shall have Castilian Heat 3 finished sooner than expected as well this year before moving on to a different series. While not writing, I went to see the second Hunger Games movie (the book was written by the marvelous Suzanne Collins) and was thoroughly enthralled ... yet heartbroken, too, of late, with the untimely passing of Philip Seymour Hoffman, who had one of the lead roles in the film. He was marvelous as always. A great tragedy how he died and it forever exemplifies to us all that drugs are a very bad thing indeed.

And with that, I am going to take a break and go see the film, Pompeii, which is supposed to be a good love story in addition to a gala spectacular tent-pole film filled with special effects, pyroclastic clouds and lots of lava!

Stay well, my beloved readers.  Monica

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